DPL Aggregations

This page contains the comprehensive list of available aggregations in Data Processing Language (DPL).

All aggregations in the list can be used with chart, stats and timechart commands.

Aggregation command Description

avg(), mean()

Returns the arithmetic mean of the table column

count(), c()

Returns the number of occurrences in the table column

distinct_count(), dc()

Returns the count of distinct values in the table column

earliest() or latest()

Returns chronologically the earliest (oldest) or latest (most recent) seen occurrence of a value in the table column

earliest_time() or latest_time()

Returns the Unix time of the earliest (oldest) or the latest (most recent) occurrence of a value in the table column


Returns the estimated count of distinct values in the table column


Returns the first seen value in the table column


Returns the last seen value in the table column


Returns a list of up to 100 values in the table column as a multi-value entry


Returns the middle-most value in the table column

min() or max()

Returns either the minimum or the maximum value in the table column


Returns the most frequent value in the table column

perc(), upperperc() and exactperc()

Return the percentile value of the numeric table column


Returns the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the table column (only if the values are numeric)


Returns the per-second rate change of the value in the table column


Returns the sample standard deviation in the table column


Returns the population standard deviation in the table column


Sums all values in the table column


Sums the squares of the values in the table column


Returns the list of all distinct values in the table column as a multi-value entry.


Returns the sample variance in the table column


Returns the population variance in the table column