
This command is experimental


replace replaces a defined value in a defined table column with a new value. The whole value or a portion of it can be replaced with a new value.



The basic replace syntax looks like this:

| replace [original value] WITH [new value] IN [table column name]

You can replace only string values with replace. You also need to write the whole original value so the syntax works correctly.

| makeresults
| eval value1 = "John"
| eval value2 = "Doe"
| replace John WITH Jane IN value1
basic example of replace()

You can also replace numbers. However, the number must be converted to string before using replace.

| makeresults
| eval value = "21"
| replace 21 WITH 22 IN value
example of replacing string number

Replace in All Columns

You can replace the value anywhere in the table without stating the table column’s name by using asterisk.

| makeresults count=2
| eval value1 = "localhost", value2 = "localhost"
| replace *localhost WITH test
example of replacing a value from all table columns

Replace in Different Columns

You can replace repetitive value from different table columns.

| makeresults
| eval value1 = "false", value2 = "false"
| replace false WITH true IN value1 value2
example of replacing the same value from different columns

Replace Different Values in the Column

Currently, replace doesn’t support replacing multiple values from a table column. This will be fixed before the community release.

You can replace more than one different value at the same time from a table column. Use comma to separate different values.

| makeresults
| eval value = "1234 Awesome St, 123-45, Fake City"
| replace *1234* WITH *5678*, *Awesome* WITH *Marvelous* IN value

You also can replace different values from different rows as long as they’re in the same table column.

| spath _raw
| replace delete WITH DELETE, update WITH UPDATE IN operation

Replace Partially

You can replace only a part of your string value by using * around the replaceable value and the new value.

| makeresults
| eval value = "let's try something hard"
| replace *hard* WITH *easy* IN value
partial replacement example

Change the Order

You can relocate a value in the value to be at the start or at the end by using asterisk. You can’t relocate values that are in the middle of the character string.

| makeresults
| eval value = "abc def ghi", value2 = "abc def ghi"
| replace "abc *" WITH "* abc" IN value
| replace "* ghi" WITH "ghi *" IN value2
| table value, value2
example of changing the order with replace

Further Reading