Cron Scheduler

The clock icon opens the drop-down menu for scheduler. Here you can schedule the notebook to run automatically at set intervals.


Cron Expression

You can set your own cron expression by writing in the field above presets.

Once the cron expression has been set, the notebook will run automatically at set intervals until the expression is removed or replaced.

Read more how to write cron expressions here.


If you don’t want to write your own cron expression for the schedule, you can use preset interval times. The presets are none, 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, and 1d.

cron expression presets

Once the scheduling has been set, the notebook will run automatically at set intervals until the scheduling is removed.

Scheduled By

You can view who has scheduled the notebook by opening the cron scheduler drop-down menu.

scheduler by demo-user